international network of architecture magazines
Illustration : Goullagoullik 26.02.2019
Through our self-organized and self-sustained cooperation, we act as an international platform that helps to craft innovative solutions for advancement of already existing magazines, expanding our knowledge and our audience reach beyond one school, city or country.
This network is inspired by the legacy of CIAM and the creative power of EASA.
Archipelago was founded on 2019, by journals, newspapers, websites and other publications held by architecture students and young architects.
Our vision is to connect, promote, support and exchange knowledge with each other in an egalitarian, bottom-up, peer-to-peer manner - internationally.
Through our self-organized and self-sustained cooperation, forums, working groups and commissions, we act as a platform that helps to craft innovative solutions for advancement of already existing publications.
Archipelago was founded by journals, newspapers, websites and other publications held by architecture students and young architects.
1° The Individuality Principle
We are one of many. A cluster of autonomous islands, each with our own identity and individuality, gathering our energy to cooperate. Therefore, the network as a whole does not have a solid shape. It is a fluid, vivid dream.
2° The Progress Principle
We will embody the rebirth of architecture. With the idea of building an international dialogue between young architects, we will work to propose a new kind of architecture journalism, inspired by CIAM and EASA.
3° The Open-End Principle
We will tend to have a contemporary approach to theory, through an open-minded search for a consensus rather than a predetermined ideology. We will blur the lines separating architecture, design and art and expand our audiences beyond fictive borders. All who want to create and consume are welcome aboard.
Illustration : Sparrowich 2019