EASA Germany Gathering Eiermannbau

national Gathering, workshop, interaction
Apolda/Weimar (Germany)
National Gathering in a historic industrial building by world-renowned architect Egon Eiermann. Transformed from a fire extinguisher factory to an Open Factory for local artist and craftsmen we will have a packed week full with workshops concerning the perception of architectural history and interact with the other artists and architects working on site. Furthermore this week will include Team Building Events to form an enthusiastic EASA Germany group for the upcoming years. We welcome very much all people who want to attend please get in touch with us...:)
We really want to meet with all people that are involved in EASA and are able to join a meeting in Germany. Because of the exams in Germany we are not able to stay on the schedule of "real" EASA dates. Before we will meet we will stay in touch and inform the other NC's and organizers about our plans
21.08.2020 - 23.08.2020 Preparations + Set-Up 24.08.2020 - 29.08-2020 Workshops + Interactions with local artist
30.08.2020 Conclusion (all dates to be confirmed)
taking part
If you're interested to join. feel free to contact us till 10th July 2020
Noa, Marie, Vincent (NC's EASA Germany)