Together From Afar

workshop, lectures
snail mail & email
The ZÉLÉS magazine ( team, Ksenia, Augusta, Ana-Maria and Iris (ZÉLÉS, a student lead magazine that collects portraits and interviews of zealous people), propose this workshop, Together From Afar, that aims at investigating new ways of encountering the other and appreciating people’s ZEAL, what can be considered an antidote against APATHY. Zeal can be defined as the forceful energy that propels someone towards an objective or aim. Covid-19 > Self isolation > zoom, emails: the apotheosis of virtual communication > lack of human connection > how to react to apathy? > get inspired > look around > sport the ZEAL (a great energy or enthusiasm for something) > explore the ZEAL (through interviews and encounters) > record your discovery through a text, collage, drawing … > how to be together from afar? > represent a part of your encounter in an exquisite corpse group drawing that will physically travel from door to door through post
Application deadline: 20/07/2020; Workshop timeline: 25/07/2020 - 09/08/2020 The project could last longer than stated above, depending on the post.
taking part
fill in the application form
ZÉLÉS magazine team (Iris Hansen, Augusta Fiseryte, Ana-Maria Tirlea, Ksenia Davydova)